Mark Borg family


We love to discover many things around Malta and we like to share them with you. Always there is something to learn and explore.

Giving time to family and learn with each other and having fun never the less.

Here I m introducing where Malta is, as Malta is just a dot on the world map. It might is your first time hearing about this beautiful Island. Malta is an island in the Mediterranean sea. Our neighbours are Sicily and North Africa. Malta is the largest of the three major islands that constitute the Maltese archipelago.  The three islands are Malta, Gozo, Comino. Malta is also surrounded by Filfla and Kemmunet.

Below shows where Malta is on the world map:

malta map 1

From the dot of the world map here, you will see Malta and the other islands.

malta map 2 

Be part with us and share with us your discovery of Malta by filling up the form and we will share it with the world from the website. 

Come with us to see the places, learn about the history, the culture and also see how beautiful is the climate and clear sea.

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